Temet Nosce Counseling Focus
Are you struggling with…

Does life seem meaningless to you? Do you have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, loss of appetite or thoughts that you might even be better off dead?

Do you find that you have anger control issues? Has your anger caused you legal problems? Do you find yourself being irritable much of the time?

Do you or a loved one have a substance use disorder which is controlling your life? Is there an increase in use and inability to stop alcohol or drug use?

Been a victim of abuse? Are you a veteran diagnosed with PTSD? Do you live with hypervigilance and find yourself triggered by external people and events. EMDR can help!
Trauma Intensives
TNC is now offering trauma intensive workshops hosted in a beautiful cabin in the Arkansas mountains. Only 3 and 1/2 hours from Dallas/Ft Worth, this trauma work built around a weekend will offer you enormous benefits in releasing somatic tension and increasing sense of wellbeing and hopefulness. Reach out for more details.
TNC Articles
Chronic Pain and Addiction
I don’t believe there are any simple solutions for addicts who present with chronic pain issues. As an inpatient therapist, I encountered several addicts who suffered from chronic…
Read More…Emotional Vocabulary
When I began my own counseling in my mid-twenties my therapist asked me ‘how do you feel?’ and my reply was “bad”. She told me ‘bad is not a feeling’ to which I replied “lady that’…
Read More…Addiction Is A Disease
Despite significant advances in neuroscience with insight into how the brain works, many people still have difficulty accepting that addiction is a disease. The problem seems to be…
Read More…Understanding Your Anger
Anger is a scary emotion for many people. I find that many people don’t really know what to do with feelings of anger. Anger can be repressed which often creates a build-up and man…
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